In a continuation of my earlier article, Adaptive Cards with Microsoft Teams with Examples, we continue with the details of how to create these Adaptive Cards authored with JSON templates. The templates can be used as-is, edited to suit your organization’s needs, or used as a launching point to customize your templates.
Samples and Templates of Adaptive Cards for Microsoft Teams
This is exciting as these select samples and templates are created and offered for Microsoft Teams to show what you can create. These can be copied, edited, and tweaked to create any possible scenario. There are limitless scenarios to design and create.
In this series, Adaptive Cards with Microsoft Teams – JSON Templates Part 8, includes templates for Flight Itinerary, Flight Update, and Flight Status.
Flight Itinerary
Data JSON: { "Segments": [ { "Id": 1, "OriginStation": 11235, "DestinationStation": 13554, "DepartureDateTime": "2017-05-30T19:25:00Z", "ArrivalDateTime": "2017-05-30T20:55:00Z", "Carrier": 881, "OperatingCarrier": 881, "Duration": 90, "FlightNumber": "1463", "JourneyMode": "Flight", "Directionality": "Outbound" }, { "Id": 2, "OriginStation": 13554, "DestinationStation": 11235, "DepartureDateTime": "2017-06-02T19:25:00Z", "ArrivalDateTime": "2017-06-02T20:55:00Z", "Carrier": 881, "OperatingCarrier": 881, "Duration": 90, "FlightNumber": "1463", "JourneyMode": "Flight", "Directionality": "Inbound" } ], "BookingOptions": [ { "BookingItems": [ { "AgentID": 4499211, "Status": "Current", "Price": 4032.54, "Deeplink": "[...]", "SegmentIds": [ 1, 2 ] } ] } ], "Places": [ { "Id": 13554, "ParentId": 4698, "Code": "SFO", "Type": "Airport", "Name": "San Francisco" }, { "Id": 13558, "ParentId": 5796, "Code": "AMS", "Type": "Airport", "Name": "Amsterdam" } ], "Carriers": [ { "Id": 881, "Code": "BA", 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Flight Update
{ "@context": "", "@type": "FlightReservation", "reservationId": "RXJ34P", "reservationStatus": "", "passengerPriorityStatus": "Fast Track", "passengerSequenceNumber": "ABC123", "securityScreening": "TSA PreCheck", "underName": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Sarah Hum" }, "reservationFor": { "@type": "Flight", "flightNumber": "KL605", "provider": { "@type": "Airline", "name": "KLM", "iataCode": "KL", "boardingPolicy": "" }, "seller": { "@type": "Airline", "name": "KLM", "iataCode": "KL" }, "departureAirport": { "@type": "Airport", "name": "Amsterdam Airport", "iataCode": "AMS" }, "departureTime": "2017-03-04T09:20:00-01:00", "arrivalAirport": { "@type": "Airport", "name": "San Francisco Airport", "iataCode": "SFO" }, "arrivalTime": "2017-03-05T08:20:00+04:00" } } Template JSON: { "$schema": "", "type": "AdaptiveCard", "version": "1.0", "speak": "Flight KL0605 to San Fransisco has been delayed.It will not leave until 10:10 AM.", "body": [ { "type": "ColumnSet", "columns": [ { "type": "Column", "width": "auto", "items": [ { "type": "Image", "size": "Small", "url": "" } ] }, { "type": "Column", "width": "stretch", "items": [ { "type": "TextBlock", "text": "Flight Status", "horizontalAlignment": "Right", "isSubtle": true, "wrap": true }, { "type": "TextBlock", "text": "DELAYED", "horizontalAlignment": "Right", "spacing": "None", "size": "Large", "color": "Attention", "wrap": true } ] } ] }, { "type": "ColumnSet", "separator": true, "spacing": "Medium", "columns": [ { "type": "Column", "width": "stretch", "items": [ { "type": "TextBlock", "text": "Passengers", "isSubtle": true, "weight": "Bolder", "wrap": true }, { "type": "TextBlock", "text": "${}", "spacing": "Small", "wrap": true }, { "type": "TextBlock", "text": "Jeremy Goldberg", "spacing": "Small", "wrap": true }, { "type": "TextBlock", "text": "Evan Litvak", "spacing": "Small", "wrap": true } ] }, { "type": "Column", "width": "auto", "items": [ { "type": "TextBlock", "text": "Seat", "horizontalAlignment": "Right", "isSubtle": true, "weight": "Bolder", "wrap": true }, { "type": "TextBlock", "text": "14A", "horizontalAlignment": "Right", "spacing": "Small", "wrap": true }, { "type": "TextBlock", "text": "14B", "horizontalAlignment": "Right", "spacing": "Small", "wrap": true }, { "type": "TextBlock", "text": "14C", "horizontalAlignment": "Right", "spacing": "Small", "wrap": true } ] } ] }, { "type": "ColumnSet", "spacing": "Medium", "separator": true, "columns": [ { "type": "Column", "width": 1, "items": [ { "type": "TextBlock", "text": "Flight", "isSubtle": true, "weight": "Bolder", "wrap": true }, { "type": "TextBlock", "text": "${reservationFor.flightNumber}", "spacing": "Small", "wrap": true } ] }, { "type": "Column", "width": 1, "items": [ { "type": "TextBlock", "text": "Departs", "isSubtle": true, "horizontalAlignment": "Center", "weight": "Bolder", "wrap": true }, { "type": "TextBlock", "text": "{{TIME(${string(reservationFor.departureTime)})}}", "color": "Attention", "weight": "Bolder", "horizontalAlignment": "Center", "spacing": "Small", "wrap": true } ] }, { "type": "Column", "width": 1, "items": [ { "type": "TextBlock", "text": "Arrives", "isSubtle": true, "horizontalAlignment": "Right", "weight": "Bolder", "wrap": true }, { "type": "TextBlock", "text": "{{TIME(${string(reservationFor.arrivalTime)})}}", "color": "Attention", "horizontalAlignment": "Right", "weight": "Bolder", "spacing": "Small", "wrap": true } ] } ] }, { "type": "ColumnSet", "spacing": "Medium", "separator": true, "columns": [ { "type": "Column", "width": 1, "items": [ { "type": "TextBlock", "text": "${}", "isSubtle": true, "wrap": true }, { "type": "TextBlock", "text": "${reservationFor.departureAirport.iataCode}", "size": "ExtraLarge", "color": "Accent", "spacing": "None", "wrap": true } ] }, { "type": "Column", "width": "auto", "items": [ { "type": "TextBlock", "text": " ", "wrap": true }, { "type": "Image", "url": "", "size": "Small" } ] }, { "type": "Column", "width": 1, "items": [ { "type": "TextBlock", "text": "${}", "isSubtle": true, "horizontalAlignment": "Right", "wrap": true }, { "type": "TextBlock", "text": "${reservationFor.arrivalAirport.iataCode}", "horizontalAlignment": "Right", "size": "ExtraLarge", "color": "Accent", "spacing": "None", "wrap": true } ] } ] } ] }
Flight Details
Data JSON: { "@context": "", "@type": "FlightReservation", "reservationId": "RXJ34P", "reservationStatus": "", "passengerPriorityStatus": "Fast Track", "passengerSequenceNumber": "ABC123", "securityScreening": "TSA PreCheck", "underName": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Eva Green" }, "reservationFor": { "@type": "Flight", "flightNumber": "UA110", "provider": { "@type": "Airline", "name": "Continental", "iataCode": "CO", "boardingPolicy": "" }, "seller": { "@type": "Airline", "name": "United", "iataCode": "UA" }, "departureAirport": { "@type": "Airport", "name": "San Francisco Airport", "city": "San Francisco", "iataCode": "SFO" }, "departureTime": "2017-03-04T20:15:00-08:00", "arrivalAirport": { "@type": "Airport", "name": "John F. Kennedy International Airport", "city": "New York", "iataCode": "JFK" }, "arrivalTime": "2017-03-05T06:30:00-05:00" } } Template JSON: { "type": "AdaptiveCard", "body": [ { "type": "ColumnSet", "columns": [ { "type": "Column", "items": [ { "type": "Container", "backgroundImage": "", "items": [ { "type": "Image", "horizontalAlignment": "center", "url": "", "altText": "Departing airplane" } ], "bleed": true }, { "type": "Container", "spacing": "none", "style": "emphasis", "items": [ { "type": "TextBlock", "size": "extraLarge", "weight": "lighter", "color": "Accent", "text": "Flight to ${reservationFor.arrivalAirport.iataCode}", "wrap": true }, { "type": "TextBlock", "spacing": "small", "text": "${} Air Lines flight ${reservationFor.flightNumber} ", "wrap": true }, { "type": "TextBlock", "spacing": "none", "text": "Confirmation code: ${reservationId}", "wrap": true }, { "type": "TextBlock", "spacing": "none", "text": "4 hours 15 minutes", "wrap": true } ], "bleed": true, "height": "stretch" } ], "width": 45, "height": "stretch" }, { "type": "Column", "items": [ { "type": "Container", "height": "stretch", "items": [ { "type": "ColumnSet", "columns": [ { "type": "Column", "items": [ { "type": "TextBlock", "size": "extraLarge", "weight": "lighter", "text": "${reservationFor.departureAirport.iataCode}", "wrap": true } ], "width": "auto" }, { "type": "Column", "verticalContentAlignment": "center", "items": [ { "type": "Image", "url": "", "width": "10000px", "height": "2px" } ], "width": "stretch" }, { "type": "Column", "spacing": "small", "verticalContentAlignment": "center", "items": [ { "type": "Image", "url": "", "height": "16px" } ], "width": "auto" }, { "type": "Column", "items": [ { "type": "TextBlock", "horizontalAlignment": "right", "size": "extraLarge", "weight": "lighter", "text": "${reservationFor.arrivalAirport.iataCode}", "wrap": true } ], "width": "auto" } ] }, { "type": "ColumnSet", "columns": [ { "type": "Column", "items": [ { "type": "RichTextBlock", "inlines": [ { "type": "TextRun", "size": "medium", "text": "{{TIME(${string(reservationFor.departureTime)})}}\\n", "wrap": true }, { "type": "TextRun", "text": "{{DATE(${string(reservationFor.departureTime)}, SHORT)}}\\n", "isSubtle": true, "wrap": true }, { "type": "TextRun", "text": "${}", "isSubtle": true, "wrap": true } ] } ], "width": 1 }, { "type": "Column", "items": [ { "type": "RichTextBlock", "horizontalAlignment": "right", "inlines": [ { "type": "TextRun", "size": "medium", "text": "{{TIME(${string(reservationFor.arrivalTime)})}}\\n", "wrap": true }, { "type": "TextRun", "text": "{{DATE(${string(reservationFor.arrivalTime)}, SHORT)}}\\n", "isSubtle": true, "wrap": true }, { "type": "TextRun", "text": "${}", "isSubtle": true, "wrap": true } ] } ], "width": 1 } ] }, { "type": "ActionSet", "separator": true, "actions": [ { "type": "Action.Submit", "title": "Check in", "style": "positive" }, { "type": "Action.Submit", "title": "View" } ], "spacing": "medium" } ] } ], "width": 55 } ], "height": "stretch" } ], "$schema": "", "version": "1.0" } 25. Simple Fallback Data JSON: { "fallback": { "message":"No graph support. Guess we'll just use this textblock instead." } } Template JSON: { "type": "AdaptiveCard", "$schema": "", "version": "1.2", "body": [ { "type": "TextBlock", "text": "Fallback test:", "wrap": true }, { "type": "Steve Holt!", "egg": "her?", "fallback": "drop" }, { "type": "Graph", "someProperty": "foo", "fallback": { "type": "TextBlock", "text": "${fallback.message}", "wrap": true } } ] }
JSON Scripts and Templates: