In a continuation of my earlier article, Adaptive Cards with Microsoft Teams with Examples, we continue with the details of how to create these Adaptive Cards authored with JSON templates. The templates can be used as-is, edited to suit your organization’s needs, or used as a launching point to customize your templates.
Samples and Templates of Adaptive Cards for Microsoft Teams
This is exciting as these select samples and templates are created and offered for Microsoft Teams to show what you can create. These can be copied, edited, and tweaked to create any possible scenario. There are limitless scenarios to design and create.
Adaptive Cards with Microsoft Teams – JSON Templates Part 1 of this series includes the templates for Activity Update Sample, Activity Update with Labels, Calendar Reminder, and Calendar Reminder with Labels. This installment of this series will include templates for Image Gallery, Weather Compact, and Weather Large.
Image Gallery
Data JSON: { "_type": "Images", "instrumentation": { "pingUrlBase": "", "pageLoadPingUrl": "" }, "readLink": "", "webSearchUrl": "", "webSearchUrlPingSuffix": "DevEx,5042.1", "totalEstimatedMatches": 1000, "value": [ { "name": "Proxecto Gato: cats wallpapers by bighdwallpapers", "webSearchUrl": "", "webSearchUrlPingSuffix": "DevEx,5043.1", "thumbnailUrl": "", "datePublished": "2012-08-23T12:00:00", "contentUrl": "", "hostPageUrl": "", "hostPageUrlPingSuffix": "DevEx,5006.1", "contentSize": "241661 B", "encodingFormat": "jpeg", "hostPageDisplayUrl": "", "width": 1600, "height": 1200, "thumbnail": { "width": 480, "height": 360 }, "imageInsightsToken": "ccid_QkKAENUn*mid_DF010D14AC241C0AC39B5EAFD85F8B117825C79B*simid_608001210598098509", "insightsSourcesSummary": { "shoppingSourcesCount": 1, "recipeSourcesCount": 0 }, "imageId": "DF010D14AC241C0AC39B5EAFD85F8B117825C79B", "accentColor": "5A4E46" }, { "name": "Kitten - Cats Wallpaper (18565791) - Fanpop", "webSearchUrl": "", "webSearchUrlPingSuffix": "DevEx,5044.1", "thumbnailUrl": "", "datePublished": "2012-06-29T23:55:00", "contentUrl": "", "hostPageUrl": "", "hostPageUrlPingSuffix": "DevEx,5011.1", "contentSize": "207480 B", "encodingFormat": "jpeg", "hostPageDisplayUrl": "", "width": 1024, "height": 768, "thumbnail": { "width": 300, "height": 225 }, "imageInsightsToken": "ccid_ffuJc7yi*mid_6119DF9238F0C40EC3C326F41919BAFBF88F5CA4*simid_608041523156487908", "insightsSourcesSummary": { "shoppingSourcesCount": 1, "recipeSourcesCount": 0 }, "imageId": "6119DF9238F0C40EC3C326F41919BAFBF88F5CA4", "accentColor": "7D694E" }, { "name": "Wonderous Cats Admiration of the docile feline", "webSearchUrl": "", "webSearchUrlPingSuffix": "DevEx,5045.1", "thumbnailUrl": "", "datePublished": "2014-04-27T22:53:00", "contentUrl": "", "hostPageUrl": "", "hostPageUrlPingSuffix": "DevEx,5016.1", "contentSize": "484631 B", "encodingFormat": "jpeg", "hostPageDisplayUrl": "", "width": 2015, "height": 1511, "thumbnail": { "width": 480, "height": 359 }, "imageInsightsToken": "ccid_ONOqmqbM*mid_EDF89351A0ECA99617C859D06F71450FCB5EF2E3*simid_608032623984250213", "insightsSourcesSummary": { "shoppingSourcesCount": 1, "recipeSourcesCount": 0 }, "imageId": "EDF89351A0ECA99617C859D06F71450FCB5EF2E3", "accentColor": "5F4937" } ], "queryExpansions": [ { "text": "Grumpy Cat", "displayText": "Grumpy", "webSearchUrl": "", "webSearchUrlPingSuffix": "DevEx,5049.1", "searchLink": "", "thumbnail": { "thumbnailUrl": "" } }, { "text": "Funny Cats", "displayText": "Funny", "webSearchUrl": "", "webSearchUrlPingSuffix": "DevEx,5051.1", "searchLink": "", "thumbnail": { "thumbnailUrl": "" } } ], "nextOffsetAddCount": 0, "pivotSuggestions": [ { "pivot": "cats", "suggestions": [ { "text": "Felidae", "displayText": "Felidae", "webSearchUrl": "", "webSearchUrlPingSuffix": "DevEx,5134.1", "searchLink": "", "thumbnail": { "thumbnailUrl": "" } }, { "text": "African Wildcat", "displayText": "African Wildcat", "webSearchUrl": "", "webSearchUrlPingSuffix": "DevEx,5136.1", "searchLink": "", "thumbnail": { "thumbnailUrl": "" } } ] } ], "displayShoppingSourcesBadges": false, "displayRecipeSourcesBadges": true } Template JSON: { "$schema": "", "type": "AdaptiveCard", "version": "1.0", "body": [ { "type": "TextBlock", "text": "Here are some cool photos", "size": "Large", "wrap": true }, { "type": "TextBlock", "text": "Sorry some of them are repeats", "size": "Medium", "weight": "Lighter", "wrap": true }, { "type": "ImageSet", "imageSize": "medium", "images": [ { "type": "Image", "url": "${value[0].contentUrl}" }, { "type": "Image", "url": "${value[1].contentUrl}" }, { "type": "Image", "url": "${queryExpansions[0].thumbnail.thumbnailUrl}" }, { "type": "Image", "url": "${queryExpansions[1].thumbnail.thumbnailUrl}" }, { "type": "Image", "url": "${pivotSuggestions[0].suggestions[0].thumbnail.thumbnailUrl}" }, { "type": "Image", "url": "${pivotSuggestions[0].suggestions[1].thumbnail.thumbnailUrl}" }, { "type": "Image", "url": "${value[2].thumbnailUrl}" } ] } ] }
Weather Compact
Data JSON { "coord":{ "lon":-122.12, "lat":47.67 }, "weather":[ { "id":802, "main":"Clouds", "description":"scattered clouds", "icon":"03n" } ], "base":"stations", "main": { "temp":281.05, "pressure":1022, "humidity":81, "temp_min":278.15, "temp_max":283.15 }, "visibility":16093, "wind": { "speed":4.1, "deg":360 }, "rain":{}, "clouds": { "all":40 }, "dt":1572920478, "sys":{ "type":1, "id":5798, "country":"US", "sunrise":1572879421, "sunset":1572914822 }, "timezone":-28800, "id":5808079, "name":"Redmond", "cod":200 } Template JSON: { "$schema": "", "type": "AdaptiveCard", "version": "1.0", "speak": "The forecast for Seattle ${formatEpoch(dt, 'MMMM d')} is mostly clear with a High of ${formatNumber((main.temp_max - 273) * 9 / 5 + 32, 0)} degrees and Low of ${formatNumber((main.temp_min - 273) * 9 / 5 + 32, 0)} degrees", "body": [ { "type": "TextBlock", "text": "${name}, WA", "size": "Large", "isSubtle": true, "wrap": true }, { "type": "TextBlock", "text": "{{DATE(${formatEpoch(dt, 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ')}, SHORT)}} {{TIME(${formatEpoch(dt, 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ')})}}", "spacing": "None", "wrap": true }, { "type": "ColumnSet", "columns": [ { "type": "Column", "width": "auto", "items": [ { "type": "Image", "url": "", "size": "Small" } ] }, { "type": "Column", "width": "auto", "items": [ { "type": "TextBlock", "text": "${formatNumber((main.temp - 273) * 9 / 5 + 32, 0)}", "size": "ExtraLarge", "spacing": "None", "wrap": true } ] }, { "type": "Column", "width": "stretch", "items": [ { "type": "TextBlock", "text": "°F", "weight": "Bolder", "spacing": "Small", "wrap": true } ] }, { "type": "Column", "width": "stretch", "items": [ { "type": "TextBlock", "text": "Hi ${formatNumber((main.temp_max - 273) * 9 / 5 + 32, 0)}", "horizontalAlignment": "Left", "wrap": true }, { "type": "TextBlock", "text": "Lo ${formatNumber((main.temp_min - 273) * 9 / 5 + 32, 0)}", "horizontalAlignment": "Left", "spacing": "None", "wrap": true } ] } ] } ] }
Weather Large
Data JSON: { "data": [ { "moonrise_ts": 1572993161, "wind_cdir": "SSE", "rh": 90, "pres": 1012.95, "high_temp": 8.6, "sunset_ts": 1573001147, "ozone": 252.181, "moon_phase": 0.768526, "wind_gust_spd": 4.4, "snow_depth": 0, "clouds": 70, "ts": 1572940860, "sunrise_ts": 1572966051, "app_min_temp": 3.7, "wind_spd": 1.33298, "pop": 25, "wind_cdir_full": "south-southeast", "slp": 1021.94, "valid_date": "2019-11-05", "app_max_temp": 10.2, "vis": 22.5692, "dewpt": 6.8, "snow": 0, "uv": 1.74992, "weather": { "icon": "", "code": 803, "description": "Broken clouds" }, "wind_dir": 162, "max_dhi": null, "clouds_hi": 0, "precip": 0.3125, "low_temp": 7.7, "max_temp": 10.4, "moonset_ts": 1572946958, "datetime": "2019-11-05", "temp": 8.5, "min_temp": 5.7, "clouds_mid": 0, "clouds_low": 70 }, { "moonrise_ts": 1573081007, "wind_cdir": "NNE", "rh": 88, "pres": 1015.48, "high_temp": 12.3, "sunset_ts": 1573087463, "ozone": 263.048, "moon_phase": 0.845631, "wind_gust_spd": 5, "snow_depth": 0, "clouds": 60, "ts": 1573027260, "sunrise_ts": 1573052542, "app_min_temp": 3.3, "wind_spd": 1.50821, "pop": 35, "wind_cdir_full": "north-northeast", "slp": 1024.5, "valid_date": "2019-11-06", "app_max_temp": 12.3, "vis": 23.125, "dewpt": 6.6, "snow": 0, "uv": 2.93193, "weather": { "icon": "", "code": 803, "description": "Broken clouds" }, "wind_dir": 18, "max_dhi": null, "clouds_hi": 17, "precip": 0.5, "low_temp": 5, "max_temp": 12.3, "moonset_ts": 1573037127, "datetime": "2019-11-06", "temp": 8.5, "min_temp": 6.6, "clouds_mid": 9, "clouds_low": 46 }, { "moonrise_ts": 1573168702, "wind_cdir": "SE", "rh": 71, "pres": 1006.39, "high_temp": 13.1, "sunset_ts": 1573173781, "ozone": 257.617, "moon_phase": 0.909923, "wind_gust_spd": 1.80495, "snow_depth": 0, "clouds": 94, "ts": 1573113660, "sunrise_ts": 1573139032, "app_min_temp": 0.5, "wind_spd": 0.77653, "pop": 0, "wind_cdir_full": "southeast", "slp": 1022.86, "valid_date": "2019-11-07", "app_max_temp": 13.1, "vis": 24.135, "dewpt": 2.6, "snow": 0, "uv": 1.10983, "weather": { "icon": "", "code": 804, "description": "Overcast clouds" }, "wind_dir": 136, "max_dhi": null, "clouds_hi": 94, "precip": 0, "low_temp": 4.4, "max_temp": 13.4, "moonset_ts": 1573127315, "datetime": "2019-11-07", "temp": 7.7, "min_temp": 4.2, "clouds_mid": 0, "clouds_low": 0 }, { "moonrise_ts": 1573256318, "wind_cdir": "SSE", "rh": 71, "pres": 1006.02, "high_temp": 15.8, "sunset_ts": 1573260100, "ozone": 258.722, "moon_phase": 0.958606, "wind_gust_spd": 2.11071, "snow_depth": 0, "clouds": 93, "ts": 1573200060, "sunrise_ts": 1573225523, "app_min_temp": 2.7, "wind_spd": 0.802894, "pop": 0, "wind_cdir_full": "south-southeast", "slp": 1022.2, "valid_date": "2019-11-08", "app_max_temp": 15.8, "vis": 24.1349, "dewpt": 4.5, "snow": 0, "uv": 0.989995, "weather": { "icon": "", "code": 804, "description": "Overcast clouds" }, "wind_dir": 167, "max_dhi": null, "clouds_hi": 93, "precip": 0, "low_temp": 6.1, "max_temp": 15.9, "moonset_ts": 1573217557, "datetime": "2019-11-08", "temp": 9.6, "min_temp": 6, "clouds_mid": 6, "clouds_low": 0 }, { "moonrise_ts": 1573343920, "wind_cdir": "SW", "rh": 78, "pres": 1008.56, "high_temp": 14, "sunset_ts": 1573346422, "ozone": 257.936, "moon_phase": 0.988998, "wind_gust_spd": 3.61965, "snow_depth": 0, "clouds": 88, "ts": 1573286460, "sunrise_ts": 1573312013, "app_min_temp": 2.5, "wind_spd": 1.00688, "pop": 0, "wind_cdir_full": "southwest", "slp": 1024.28, "valid_date": "2019-11-09", "app_max_temp": 14, "vis": 24.135, "dewpt": 5.2, "snow": 0, "uv": 1.06772, "weather": { "icon": "", "code": 804, "description": "Overcast clouds" }, "wind_dir": 228, "max_dhi": null, "clouds_hi": 88, "precip": 0, "low_temp": 5, "max_temp": 14.1, "moonset_ts": 1573307883, "datetime": "2019-11-09", "temp": 9, "min_temp": 5.9, "clouds_mid": 13, "clouds_low": 0 } ], "city_name": "King", "lon": "-122.1232", "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles", "lat": "47.6718", "country_code": "US", "state_code": "WA" } Template JSON: { "$schema": "", "type": "AdaptiveCard", "version": "1.0", "speak": "Weather forecast for ${formatEpoch(data[0].sunrise_ts, 'dddd')} is high of ${formatNumber(data[0].app_max_temp / 5 * 9 + 32, 0)} and low of ${formatNumber(data[0].app_min_temp / 5 * 9 + 32, 0)} degrees with a ${formatNumber(data[0].precip * 100, 0)}% chance of rainWinds will be ${formatNumber(data[0].wind_gust_spd, 0)} mph from the ${data[0].wind_cdir}", "backgroundImage": "", "body": [ { "type": "ColumnSet", "columns": [ { "type": "Column", "width": 35, "items": [ { "type": "Image", "url": "", "size": "Stretch" } ] }, { "type": "Column", "width": 65, "items": [ { "type": "TextBlock", "text": "{{DATE(${formatEpoch(data[0].sunrise_ts, 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ')}, SHORT)}}", "weight": "Bolder", "size": "Large", "wrap": true }, { "type": "TextBlock", "text": "${formatNumber(data[0].app_min_temp / 5 * 9 + 32, 0)} / ${formatNumber(data[0].app_max_temp / 5 * 9 + 32, 0)}", "size": "Medium", "spacing": "None", "wrap": true }, { "type": "TextBlock", "text": "${formatNumber(data[0].precip * 100, 0)}% chance of rain", "spacing": "None", "wrap": true }, { "type": "TextBlock", "text": "Winds ${data[0].wind_gust_spd} mph ${data[0].wind_cdir}", "spacing": "None", "wrap": true } ] } ] }, { "type": "ColumnSet", "columns": [ { "$data": "${data}", "$when": "${$index != 0}", "type": "Column", "width": 20, "items": [ { "type": "TextBlock", "horizontalAlignment": "Center", "text": "${formatEpoch(sunrise_ts, 'dddd')}", "wrap": true }, { "type": "Image", "size": "auto", "url": "${weather.icon}" }, { "type": "FactSet", "horizontalAlignment": "Right", "facts": [ { "title": "High", "value": "${formatNumber(app_max_temp / 5 * 9 + 32, 0)}" }, { "title": "Low", "value": "${formatNumber(app_min_temp / 5 * 9 + 32, 0)}" } ] } ], "selectAction": { "type": "Action.OpenUrl", "title": "View ${formatEpoch(sunrise_ts, 'dddd')}", "url": "" } } ] } ] }
JSON Scripts and Templates: